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Adventure, Card, Heather Ulmer, No Place Like Home, Rooted Love, Sequins, Stamping, Video -

Happy April Fool's Day all! We have a very exciting release for today that is no joke. Seriously, this is real. We are releasing THREE brand new stamp sets! They coordinate with our previously released paper collections - Adventure, Rooted Love, and No Place Like Home. These sets are going to be an amazing addition because we will now be able to create our own backgrounds, embellishments, and more that coordinate perfectly with our paper! Check out the video below to see the details of the awesome new stamp sets! I created this card using the new Adventure stamps. As...

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Adventure, Design Team, Sara Scraps, Scrapbooking, Video -

We are very excited about the launch of our new February collection, Rooted Love! Be sure to check out the papers in the shop as they will help to document all kinds of love stories! It is perfect for scrapbooking relationships with loved ones including partners, children, siblings, parents, friends and even pets. It is versatile and also suitable for family tree projects or outdoor exploration. We even think that many of the colours coordinate beautifully with our previous (and newly restocked) Adventure collection, so it is an even better purchase if you also have those in your stash! Our...

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Adventure, Card, Charm, Cork, Guest Designer, Julia Chupik -

We are so happy to have Julia Chupik, a fellow Canadian crafter, guest designing for us and sharing her stunning slider card! We had our pop-up-shop set up again at Julia's Paradise Lost Crop this month again and we had the privilege to see her in the process of creating this beautiful project. She did a wonderful job using the masculine Adventure collection to create a romantic card for her lucky hubby. We will let Julia take it away - Hello everyone! Julia here from Paradise Lost and I am thrilled to be here on The Wild Whisper Designs blog today....

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