Traveler's Notebook Cover - Green Suede

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  • $15.00
  • Regular price $38.00

This traveler's notebook cover is an exclusive Wild Whisper product that  fits all of our traveler's notebook inserts. Scrapbookers have now discovered the flexibility, simplicity, and adorable size of the traveler's notebooks. It is perfect for documenting our daily activities, plans, memories, travels, and even random ideas or inspiration. The ways that one can use these notebooks are endless!

This is a real high quality leather cover that is handmade in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This is a higher weight leather meaning it is thicker. Rounded corners and hand inked edges are a couple of the amazing details to this cover. Suede is a subtle green complete with a tan deer leather accent, tassel and black elastic.

We have introduced 2 different sizes. The single will fit 2 inserts and the double will fit 4 inserts.

Fits standard size inserts - 4 1/4" x 8 1/4"

Made in Canada, designed by Wild Whisper Inc. © 2020

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