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Felicia Young RSS

Design Team, Felicia Young, Out & About, Scrapbooking, Stamping, Video, Wood Veneer -

Happy September all! We are happy to be transitioning into fall, as it is a beautiful time of year here in Calgary, Alberta. We hope that you are having a good Labour Day weekend wherever you may be and that the back-to-school changes all go well! Felicia Young is sharing another wonderful layout today! we love her daughter's Cuba photos and they work perfectly with our current products. We hope that you enjoyed Felicia's process video and don't miss the detail photos below. From here we will let Felicia take it away! This layout is about my daughter who...

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Design Team, Felicia Young, Scrapbooking, Strong & Free, Video, Wood Veneer -

Hello and welcome to our second blog post today. We now have Felicia Young sharing her latest creation - a layout called "Safety First". She has a process video to go with it, so make sure you chack that out below too! A note from Felicia - "This is a photo of my granddaughter learning how to put on her bike helmet.  We taught her how to put on her bike helmet and let her try it herself to see if she could do it.  We always teach them Safety First before they get on their bikes to go off...

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Design Team, Felicia Young, Scrapbooking, Stamping, Strong & Free, Video, Wood Veneer -

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend and got to enjoy some nice weather, from wherever you may be! Today we have Felicia Young sharing a fun layout that is titled "Fantastic Journey". Make sure you check out her process video below too. A note from Felicia: "This layout is about my grand children and youngest daughter and their trip to the neighborhood park for the first time, which has a beautiful lake. I took some photos of them throughout the park, but I love this one once they calmed down and took a break for a bit. ...

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Design Team, Felicia Young, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Video, Wood Veneer, World's Best -

Felicia Young has made this beautiful layout using the World's Best collection to document a rare photo of all her children together! We love that she shows the versatility of these products by documenting her family and not just using it for Mother's and Father's Day. Here she is to take it away! This layout is of my 3 adult children who I rarely get photos of when they are all together and this was the perfect opportunity for me to get a photo of all 3 of them at the same time. I want to remember this photo because...

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Design Team, Felicia Young, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Stamping, Wood Veneer, World's Best -

Happy International Scrapbooking Day to all! We are thrilled to be teaming up with the SpiegelMom Scraps Design team this weekend to host a plethora of fun challenges. You can join the facebook event here, or check out all of the recent posts on our Instagram page. There are prizes to be won and the challenges are open all month long! Just be sure to use our hashtags - #SMSNSD17 and #WWiNSD17. Today Felicia Young is back with another amazing layout! She has created this fun, summery page using the World's Best collection, which was originally designed for Mother's Day,...

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