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Heather Ulmer RSS

Design Team, Design Team Call, Heather Ulmer, Suzy Dube -

Hello all! We are so thrilled to be announcing out very first Design Team Call! We have been overwhelmed with the incredible support in the industry so far and we can’t wait to bring some of you into this wonderful journey with us. We hope that you will consider applying for our team whether you are well known in the industry, or brand new to this amazing crafty hobby. We are excited to see who will join us! Submissions for this call will be accepted until 11:59 pm MST on Tuesday December 20th 2016. We will announce the new team...

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Blog Hop, Heather Ulmer, Suzy Dube -

Welcome to our grand opening blog hop! We are extremely excited to have a group of talented ladies showing off our new exclusive products! Follow all the links, comment on every post in the hop and you will be entered to win a PRIZE!! Everyone is welcome to participate because we will ship worldwide! You you will have 1 week to enter the contest, as we are closing it November 25th at 6PM MST. Heather and I will announce the lucky winner on Saturday November 26th, so stay tuned! Having the Christmas season right around the corner, I decided to...

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Heather Ulmer, interview, Live Inspired, Suzy Dube, Tracie Claiborne, Video -

Today one of my dreams came true. Ever since I started listening to the Scrap Gals and the Live Inspired podcasts, I have thought about what it would be like to be interviewed or to share my ideas with a larger audience online. Today I did just that and got to hear my own voice being interviewed by the incredible Tracie Claiborne! If you would like to listen to me discuss our new business, Wild Whisper, and talk about my thoughts on December Daily, then look no further! You can listen by following this link. I am so grateful to...

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