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Sara Scraps RSS

12x12, Design Team, Masculine, Page Maps, process video, Sara Scraps, Scrapbook Layout, Scrapbooking, scrapbooking layout, Sketch, Where to Next -

Hello! Sara with you today! I had so much amazing feedback from my last travel layout that I decided to keep going in my album. Let's see if I can get it finished up! There is something very satisfying every time I put a layout in my album...after 5 years, let's get it done!  For today's layout, I started with a PageMaps sketch to give me some direction and to keep me interested in scrapping photos that I want to document. I knew if I started struggling with page design, I'd change my mind and scrapbook something else.  I mixed...

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12x12, Design Team, ephemera, Layout, Sara Scraps, Scrapbook Layout, Scrapbooking, scrapbooking layout, Stamping, Video, Where to Next -

Hello Hello Everyone! Sara with you today sharing a layout featuring the brand new collection. Where To Next? This collection inspired me to revisit a travel album from 2015 and hopefully finish it up.  Do you have any unfinished travel albums hanging around your craft room?  Travel albums  are some of the hardest ones for me to finish. I want them to coordinate but I get bored so easily.The finished parts of this album use coordinating products but there are just enough gaps that need filled that I think coming back to it and finishing it with this line will...

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Design Team, Design Team Discount, ephemera, journal card pack, Sara Scraps, Strength of the Season, Traveler's Notebook -

Happy Monday! Sara here with you today with a travelers notebook spread with the brand new line Strength of The Season. This collection as elements from all four seasons, making it super versitile for just sbout anything!  I chose photos of my bee balms. I photograph a few of my flowers that come up in my flower bed because, honestly, I have a black thumb and Im always surprised they are still alive!  I used a pocket page notebook for my spread and have my pictures "floating" in the clear pocket, which I love !  As usual, this collection comes...

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12x12, Boy Layout, Child At Heart, Child at Heart Ephemera, Sara Scraps, Scrapbook Layout, Video -

Hello Hello My Friends! Sara here with you today with a brand new layout featuring the Child At Heart Collection.  I knew as soon as I started creating I wanted to use thepatterned paper that looks like a color pour. It is by far my FAVORITE pattern in the collection. But how to create a scrapbook page around it so it doesnt get lost but also doesnt overwhelm my photo. I decided on a large photo that compliments the paper but also contrast enough against it. Once I had made the decision, I decided on a monochromatic feel and pulled...

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Child At Heart, Sara Scraps, Sequins, Traveler's Notebook -

Hello Hello! Sara with you today sharing a fun TN insert spread! Its been a while since I've pulled out my TN and worked in it, but since I only have a few pages left to finish up this one, it's become project number one on my to do list. I used the Child At Heart Collection pack, as well as the card pack, ephemera, and sequins to create this spread. I created a shaker pocket and kept the spread simple. Products Used- Child At Heart Double 12X12 Collection Pack  Child At Heart Double Card Pack   Child At Heart Ephemera...

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