Best Day Ever Disney Layout by Khristina

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Best Day Ever Disney Layout by Khristina

Hey everybody! I am super excited to be back in December and I just adore the releases this month. Rich, vibrant colors (with a splash of black and white always) is my jam so this month is one that I have been waiting for all the way since Creativation last year. Not to mention....have you seen these amazing stamps!?!?!  Be still my heart....

The colored papers in this release are perfect because they coordinate exactly with all of my favorite Wild Whisper collections BUT they are also versatile enough to stand alone. In this layout, I pulled in a couple of elements from July's Lake Life collection (that gorgeous yellow flair badge and the "happy place" die cut). Then, I simply pulled coordinating ink colors to create a bold text border element and then added a couple of black felt Mickey heads to up the Disney factor. Easy peasy!

Even more fun....there's a video! Make sure to stop by and check it out here....




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