Power Poppy RSS

12x12, 3D Project, Capital Letters stamp, Colouring, Copic, Design Team, Distress Ink, Life Isn't Perfect, Linda Pekrul, Mixed Media, Power Poppy, Scrapbooking, scrapbooking layout, Sequins, Spring, stamp set, Stamping, Wild Whisper Designs, Wood Veneer -

Hi everyone!  Around this time of year, I find myself yearning for spring.  The winters here are long and quiet, with most of the birds having left to go south, to warmer climates.  So I thought I'd make myself happy scrapping some memories of spring weather, and at the same time, show you that the Life Isn't Perfect collection can also be used for happy layouts!   I chose the background paper because it had a happy feel to me, it tied in with all the water in my photos, and the colours remind me of spring here in Alberta....

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