Calamari Kid by Khristina

Design Team, Mixed Media, Scrapbooking, Video, Wild Whimsy -

Calamari Kid by Khristina

Hi! Khristina here and I wanted to take a little bit different approach to the Wild Whimsy collection this week! I knew as soon as I saw this collection that I just had to page about my son's love of calamari with the tentacles paper! This kid won't eat peanut butter sandwiches or pasta or much of any typical kid foods but he will eat an entire plate of calamari and it just makes us laugh every time! 

I happened to find a stencil that I thought would work perfectly to create some depth in the background so I started there with some Faded Jeans distress ink. Then, I went ahead and fussy cut the three large tentacles and put them on some dimensional adhesive to make them seem like they were coming up out of the sea and surrounding this page. Silly, right?! But I love how it looks! 

Then, I went ahead and worked on my photo. I took one of the 4x6 cards from the Wild Whimsy card pack and my Penblade and fussy cut the details from the top tentacle so I could slide the edge of my photo underneath.

I kept the rest of the embellishing pretty simple and backed with the entire photo element with some paper from a paper pad that I found in the Target Dollar Spot! 

I hope that you like my slightly unusual use of the Wild Whimsy collection (and my son's love of calamari). I would love it if you would also stop by my channel and check out the video that goes along with this layout. 

You can find the process video by clicking here.  

I would love to see what you are creating with the Wild Whimsy collection and will be back using it again very soon because it is just a gorgeous collection!





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