Card, cardmaking, Life Isn't Perfect, Sara Scraps -

Encouraging Cards With Sara

Hello Hello!

Life gets the best of us, am I right?? 

Life got the better of me, as I forgot to turn on my camera to record the process for my encouragement cards today..not that that needs a card, but still.

Im going to type out directions for creating these sweet cards, they were pretty easy and I think they are a great pick me up for anyone when life is getting the better of them!

Card #1 - Start with an A2 card base which, for easy reference, is an 81/2X11 sheet of cardstock cut in half at 51/2 and folded. Use the bokah paper with the water droplets cut to 4 X 51/4. Fussy cut the orange rectangle and heart from the cut apart sheet as well as one of the speech bubbles from patterned paper to layer up on your card. I set the orange cut apart rectangle at an angle and adhered it with staples to add some interest. Ink the edgaes of each piece (this hides any white bits from the paper core) and adhere as shown above.

Card #2- We will use the same card base size as above. Cut the multi-colored frame paper to 4X5/14 and the aqua heart paper to 3 3/4X5. Adhere them to each other , angling the aqua paper as shown. This adds some fun interest to the card.

Fussy cut the black square with the offset frames and adhere straight to the center of the card, in line with the multi-colored frame paper. Fussy cut another speech bubble of your choice and and cluster it into the frame with the just breathe flair and some punched hearts ( I used the bokah paper scraps on my desk, but you could really use any of the papers you would like for the hearts) Again, inking the edges and adding the addition of a few staples gives the card a finished feel.

I hope you will give these cards a try and brighten up someone's day!




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