Lake Life Notebook by Heather

Design Team, Heather Ulmer, Lake Life, Stamping, Tag, Traveller's Notebook -

Lake Life Notebook by Heather

Hey all! It's Heather Ulmer here, co-owner of Wild Whisper. I am excited to be posting more projects with the design team starting this month! To kick off my fist post, I have a few traveller's notebook spreads to share, so check out all the photos below!
I enjoyed adding the Lake Life 12x12 paper pack to this notebook to add a lot of colour. I visited the International Peace Garden on the border of Manitoba, Canada and North Dakota, USA. The flowers in the collection worked perfectly to document these cheery photos!
I purchased the brown cactus sticker from the garden gift shop knowing it would be perfect for my notebook! Even though the sicker doesn't share any colours with Lake Life, the photos help it to coordinate.
In the same notebook I documented our visit to the Calgary Stampede. It is something I enjoy every year and I kept this spread really simple with Lake Life paper and a branding strip. I also used some pieces I cut from a Stampede brochure.
Thanks for stopping by today! If you would like to follow me personally, please check me out on my blog, Instagram, and YouTube.
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