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Heather Ulmer, interview, Live Inspired, Suzy Dube, Tracie Claiborne, Video -

Live Inspired Interview by Tracie Claiborne

Today one of my dreams came true. Ever since I started listening to the Scrap Gals and the Live Inspired podcasts, I have thought about what it would be like to be interviewed or to share my ideas with a larger audience online. Today I did just that and got to hear my own voice being interviewed by the incredible Tracie Claiborne!

If you would like to listen to me discuss our new business, Wild Whisper, and talk about my thoughts on December Daily, then look no further! You can listen by following this link.

I am so grateful to Tracie for having me on her show! It was just a fun time and she was so easy to talk to.

Unfortunately Suzy couldn't be part of the interview this time, but if you would like to hear from both of us, you should also check out this video that we posted on Wild Whisper's YouTube channel. Don't forget to subscribe to us there too!

Thank you so much for stopping by today! I hope this helped you to get to know Wild Whisper a little bit better. I would also like to remember all of those who have served or are serving our country today. This Remembrance Day, I am especially thankful to live in a country where people have fought to keep our freedom and let our voices be heard.

~Heather Ulmer


1 comment

  • Alice Boll

    I just listened to your episode with Tracie. I’m so glad you were on the show as I love hearing about new Canadian scrapbooking companies! I’m also in Alberta and can’t wait to play with your products!

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