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Classic Woodgrains, Design Team, Khristina Sorge, More Adventures, Rooted Love, Scrapbooking, Video -

Khristinag Sorge is back today with another creative layout! We love how she built her own focal piece for this one. Check out her process video below and Khristina will take it from here. Do you ever just love patterned paper so much that you want to include all of the things? Do you ever create your own design elements from hand? Today, I just couldn’t choose between all of the gorgeous papers in the Classic Woodgrains pack so I decided to include pieces of many of them. I wanted to scrapbook this adorable picture of my two boys and an outdoorsy...

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Adventure, Card, Classic Woodgrains, Design Team, Julia Chupik, More Adventures, Stamping, Video -

How about those Olympics!? We love seeing nations come together for this grand event. We also feel extra patriotic during this time and Julia Chupik is back today with a perfectly patriotic card! We love how she used our products in a unique way to create this Canada inspired scene. Check out the process video below and Julia will take it away! I am so in love with the Classic Woodgrain mini collection. I find that it is a very versatile pack that can be used for so many different projects in so many different ways. This card was inspired...

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Classic Woodgrains, Cork, Design Team, Felicia Young, Sequins, Video -

Today Felicia Young is back on the blog and she is using the new Classic Woodgrains paper collection. This paper pack is super versatile and goes with all kinds of photos! Check out Felicia's process video below to see how this page came together. We are loving the cute details on this page!  A note from Felicia: "This is a photo of a cathedral in Salt Lake City Utah. My daughter and I had toured the city of the Scrap Gals retreat. There were a lot of cathedrals and we both managed to see quite a few of them. This particular cathedral...

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Classic Woodgrains, Design Team, Khristina Sorge, More Adventures, Scrapbooking, Video -

Khristinag Sorge is back today with a layout using both the Classic Woodgrains and More Adventures collections! Check out her process video below and Khristina will take it from here. How do you go about including several photos on a layout? Do you like grid designs or pocket scrapbooking? Maybe you prefer an interactive book or mini album? Today, I wanted to get five photos on a layout from a recent adventure my little family took to Colorado so I decided to create some flip pockets as well as some hidden journaling tags to create a fun and interactive element on...

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Card, Classic Woodgrains, Design Team, Julia Chupik, Stamping, Video -

Hey blog readers! Happy Valentine's Day! Today we have a very special card created by Julia Chupik in honour of this occasion. We love how she used the new Classic Woodgrain paper, so don't miss her process video below. Julia will take it from here. Happy Valentines Day! I am happy to be back on the Wild Whisper blog today sharing a Valentines Day card I made for my husband. I wanted to create a card that was both romantic and manly. The background was created with Distress Oxides and the "XOXOXOXO" stamp from the Home For The Holidays stamp...

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