A Dream Dog Layout by Felicia

Cork, Design Team, Felicia Young, Fur Babies, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Video -

A Dream Dog Layout by Felicia

Wow. Yesterday was a huge day of new announcements! If you missed out on anything, I suggest checking out our new products page, our Facebook Community, and our Instagram feed. In summary, we have a new monthly challenge in the Facebook Community, new shipping promotions, a sale on Christmas collections, the new Fur Babies collection release plus a ton of other new products, and individual DT sale codes!
Fewph. Now on to today's project from Felicia Young! We adore how this simple page turned out and that fluffy little face is irresistible! Check out Felicia's process below.
A note from Felicia: "This is a photo of my dream puppy that I would like to own. It is called a Teddy Bear Pomeranian puppy and he is so cute. I would love to own a puppy, but I would have to wait until I get out of school. Pomeranians are my favorite dogs and I just love their fur and how cute they are."
We couldn't agree more. This is a pretty cute dream dog!
Supplies Used:
Thank you to Felicia for sharing an adorable dream dog layout! To see more of her gorgeous work, check out her blogYouTube channel, and Instagram.


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