Pocket Scrapbooking "Day in the Life" with Sara

Chipboard, Cork, Design Team, Focus on You, No Place Like Home, Sara Scraps, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Video, Wood Veneer -

Pocket Scrapbooking "Day in the Life" with Sara

We are pleased to have Sara Misher back with us today! She is sharing two pocket scrapbooking pages that are part of her "Day in the Life" story and we even get to see her process in the video below. We love how she used so many elements from the No Place Like Home collection! From here Sara will take it away!
For my layout I decided to tackle my Day in the Life pictures from this past October. I had pretty much decided I wasn't going to document my DITL because our day that day was pretty boring... Plus, after dinner I kinda just quit taking photos... lol! But I knew the No Place Like Home collection would work perfectly for them. Since we did not leave our house that day, I knew I could create some great filler cards for the gaps when I quit taking photos. I decided to stick to just one double side pocket page for my DITL which I think worked out very well.





Supplies Used:


Thank you so much to Sara for sharing her amazing DITL pages with us today! Be sure to check out her blog, YouTube channel, and Instagram for more of Sara's inspiring creations.









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