Sara Shares a Little Pumpkin Layout

Design Team, Sara Scraps, Scrapbooking, Stamping, Sweater Weather, Video -

Sara Shares a Little Pumpkin Layout

Hey all and Happy Thanksgiving week to all of our American friends! Today is Black Friday and we are having a storewide sale! Our biggest ever! It is 40% off the entire store with coupon code "CYBER2017" at checkout! This sale goes until 11:59 pm MST on Cyber Monday, so shop away!
Sara Misher is on the blog today with this gorgeous hand-stitched layout! It is very festive and appropriate for thanksgiving, as it features out fall Sweater Weather collection (currently sold out, but will be back in stock soon). We hope you check out her process video below! 
From here we will let Sara take it away!
Hello Hello! I'm so happy to have you joining me on the blog today! I have a special layout to share with you today using the gorgeous Sweater Weather collection. Have you ever saved a photo just waiting for the perfect collection? Knowing it will show up eventually? I've been hoarding this photo of my nephew. It was taken two years ago and I just knew it needed to be showcased with an extra special collection and an extra special page! 
Products Used:
Thank you so much to Sara for sharing this gorgeous hand-stitched layout with us today! To see more of her wonderful work, be sure to check out her blogYouTube, and Instagram.


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