Snowflake Kisses Interactive Scrapbook Layout

Christmas Comfort, Design Team, Scrapbooking -

Snowflake Kisses Interactive Scrapbook Layout

Happy Thursday!

   I am super excited because I just got home from spending five days in Milwaukee where the weather actually feels like fall. That trip totally got me in the mood to create some fall and winter pages because here in Arizona we are still dealing with 90 degree weather days.  This month, Wild Whisper released the Christmas Comfort collection which gave me the perfect opportunity and incentive to finish up some holiday memories from last year before we jump into the holiday season again this year.

 I pulled out the gorgeous text background paper as well as the bright reds and teals from this collection to give me a starting place because they worked so perfectly with my oversized photo. This photo is one that I printed in 6x8 because I needed a copy for my December Daily too! I used a simple hidden hinge system (I totally show this in the video!) in order to hide a whole lot of journaling underneath the photo. By being intentional with my journaling, I got to include a few of the stamped phrases from this month’s stamp set release as well and I just love that look.


Do you ever create interactive elements like this in your projects? I wanted to share three tips for interactive elements on your pages today in hopes that you will take this idea and run with it on a project of your own this week!

Tip #1: Be intentional about where you place the hinges/folds so that they are hidden behind other layers in the layout.

Tip #2: Layer your embellishments so the bottom layer is hidden behind the top until someone opens the flap. This just adds extra interest and surprise.


Tip #3: Include longer stories or hidden journaling this way. You can either choose to create a slit in your page protector so everyone enjoys the text or leave it hidden so that only those who pay close attention will see the hidden surprises!

Fun, right?!?! Adding a few embellishments and some sequin sprinkles and that's all it takes! I challenge you to play around with interactive elements on one of your projects this week!

If you want to learn more about this layout works, please stop by and check out the video by clicking here




















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