Talk Foodie To Me RSS

Design Team, Khristina Sorge, Scrapbooking, Talk Foodie To Me, Video -

Hi Friends!  Are you someone who takes foodie pictures? Are you that documenter with her camera ready the second the server puts your place in front of you? I never used to be a big foodie picture taker but my kids loving seeing their favorite treats on the pages of their albums and so I have sort of developed into a documenter. We often try crazy and new foods on vacation and all of those memories definitely find their way into my albums.  Today, I am documenting a story about a year-long wait for this amazing pizza. Sadly, this pizza...

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12x12, Embossing Powder, Karla Yungwirth, Pocket Page, Rugged Red, scrapbooking layout, Talk Foodie To Me -

Hello friends! Karla back today with the brand new Wild Whisper Designs collection for May - Talk Foodie To Me. This is such a fun, bright collection of papers, cards, stamps, ephemera, sequins and flair! I couldn't help pulling lots of pizza themed products for my layout and coordinating pocket page today to document my oldest daughter's birthday that we celebrated at Una Pizza in Calgary, Alberta a few weeks ago. And, yes, the pizza was awesome!! I really love the pop of pink on this paper! I layered it on a white cardstock background, cutting it into two vertical...

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