Unprecedented Times Scrapbook Layout with Khristina

12x12 Layout, 6 Feet Apart, Design Team, Khristina Sorge, Where to Next, Wild Whisper -

Unprecedented Times Scrapbook Layout with Khristina

Hey Friends!

   Today, I am playing with sort of an unexpected combination of supplies to create a layout that I just love. When I create, brown supplies tend to be a struggle for me. For some reason, they just give me trouble so I challenged myself to use this gorgeous brown leather paper from the Where to Next? Collection. 

In my hometown, we were able to tour this retried Coast Guard ship and it was such a fun little adventure. We took my nephew to explore with us which certainly increased the fun! The colors were perfect for this brown background and I felt like the Where to Next? Collection was a great choice. I used the suitcases paper to create a fun clip pocket detail inspired by one of my friends Patricia. I then fussy cut a few extra suitcases and popped them up on foam adhesive to give some extra interest and dimension to that little pocket area. 

For ephemera and little details, I went with the 6 Feet Apart collection. Now, this might seem like a sort of odd choice, however, some of the phrases made perfect sense with this layout! I love thinking outside the box with my collections and using the pieces in unique ways so I was excited to find the "Essential Workers" and "Unprecedented Times" that would enhance this layout. I also layered in a few book die cuts and the "Thank you Front Line Workers" and it really seemed to enhance the theme for me which is a total bonus! 

For final details, I just added a couple of touches of patterned paper in bright coordinating colors. I also added just a couple of enamel dots and puffy stickers to finish the clusters. It came together super quickly and created a look that I was happy with especially when challenging myself to use that brown paper that I tend to shy away from when creating. Just a final tip...don't overlook those manufacturer strips....the detail at the bottom of my layout is just the manufacturer's strip that I trimmed off my background paper. Bonus! You can find a video for this on my Facebook page if you want to check that out as well. Make sure to grab your fun collections today and use the code DTKhristina for a discount!

Where to Next? Paper Collection

Six Feet Apart Ephemera Pack 




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