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Welcoming Jenn to the Team!

Design Team, Jenn Gagne, More Adventures, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Sweater Weather, Traveller's Notebook, Video -

Welcoming Jenn to the Team!

We are ecstatic to welcome Jenn Gagne to our team for 2018! She has become a great friend of ours as she lives very close to our home base, Calgary! Besides being a wonderful, giving person, she is also filled to the brim with talent! As evidence of this, she is sharing a wonderfully creative traveller's notebook spread with us today! Dream catchers have been very trendy lately, and we adore how she used many elements from our brand new More Adventures collection to create her own! Check out her process video below and we will let Jenn take it from here.

Happy New Year everyone!  Hope you all had a great holiday!  I'm so excited to start off my new year with my first design team project for Wild Whisper.  This year I've decided to try monthly Traveler's Notebook inserts instead of pocket pages for Project Life...gulp!  It will be a big change for me but I'm excited to mix things up a bit.

I am using the gorgeous More Adventures collection, and was really inspired by one of the 3x4 cards, to create a layout about myself. I started by cutting out a dream catcher with my Silhouette, then to add some interest to it I used Emerald Creek embossing powders in Northern Lights and then Fractured Ice on the dreamcatcher. I backed the cut file with some of the patterns on the papers and cards, and some Sweater Weather sequins to get all the colours of the collection represented in the dreamcatcher. I fussy cut some leaves from a 12x12 paper to look like feathers, and three wolves from one of the 3x4 cards, and used them as the tails that hang down from the dreamcatcher, and embellished with more sequins.

For the other side, I used my ZIP printer to print a selfie and layered it beside my inspiration card, which says "Some days I am more wolf than woman, and I am still learning how to stop apologizing for my wild" - Nikita Gill.  I cut the card down to fit nicely, and then layered cards in other colours behind it. I added a third little cluster which includes a puffy sticker from Paige Evan's Pink Paislee collection Turn the Page that says "Believe in You" with more layers behind it.

I completed the page with a sketchy border in grey and blue, a scattering of sequins, and a challenge for the year: Bring it on 2018!!!  I purposely left a lot of white space in the layout because I think it helps to enhance the colours and really make them pop.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Until next week, Happy Scrapping :)

Supplies Used:
More Adventures 12x12 pattern paper
More Adventures pocket scrapbooking card pack
More Adventures traveller's notebook
Sweater Weather sequin mix
Northern Lights embossing powder - Emerald Creek
Fractured Ice embossing powder - Emerald Creek

Thank you so much to Jenn for joining our team and sharing her talent with us! To see more of her gorgeous work, check out her blog, YouTube, and Instagram.

1 comment

  • Rachel Lowe

    Totally wonderful TN spread, so creative!

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