12x12 RSS

12x12, 6x12, Design Team, Flair, Halloween, Halloween Night, Jenn Gagne, Mixed Media, process video, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Wild Whisper Designs -

Hello, Jenn here with another layout using the Halloween Night collection.  Do you ever have a great idea for a layout that ends up not coming together the way you thought it would once you actually start putting it together?  That's what happened to me with this layout, that turned into a layout and a half!   I started with two pictures, a 4x6 and a 4x4 of my kids in their costumes ready for trick or treating last year.  My idea was to use the 12x12 cut apart sheet, as well as the manufacturers stripes from the papers I've already...

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12x12, Chipboard, Distress Oxide Ink, Halloween, Halloween Night, Karla Yungwirth, Mixed Media, process video, scrapbooking layout, Sequins, Video -

Hello! Karla here today, and I'm so happy to be back today with a cute Halloween layout about the cute Hand Me Down costume my youngest daughter, Erica, wore - passed down from her older sister and her cousin before that! I can also see now this is where the Zombie phase started for Amie, who was 9 at the time... This year she's going to be a slice of pizza, so thankfully Wild Whisper has pizza paper, and we've broken the cycle, he he! However, for this layout I'm using the awesome Halloween Night paper and sequins! I love...

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12x12, Child At Heart, Sara Scraps, scrapbooking layout, Sequins, stamp, stamp set, Stamping -

Hello lovely blog readers! Sara here today with a layout using the new Child At Heart collection! For my layout I wanted to focus on the beautiful sequin mix that coordinates with the kit and I thought shaker stars would be perfect! I just love the pops of orange in this collection and they were a wonderful match to these photos!  Products Used- Child At Heart Double 12X12 Paper Pack  CHild At Heart Double Card Pack  Child At Heart 4X6 Stamp Set  CHild At Heart Ephemera   Child At Heart- Flair  CHild At Heart Sequins  And here is my process video-...

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12x12, Design Team, die cuts, Flair, Halloween Night, Jenn Gagne, Layout, mist, process video, scrapbooking layout, Sequins, Wild Whisper Designs -

Hello, Jenn here!  Happy October :)  Fall is my favourite time of year, and I especially love Halloween so I was incredibly excited to start using Wild Whisper's new Halloween Night collection.  I do a quick unboxing of all of the new collections in today's process video so be sure to check that out for all of the gorgeous new products. I chose the haunted house 12x12 paper from Halloween Night for my first layout.  I just love this paper and decided to make a very simple layout with it so that I didn't cover up too much of the...

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12x12, Canadian Winter, Design Team, Flair, Hockey, Linda Pekrul, scrapbooking layout -

Hi everyone! Today I'm using the new paper collection "Canadian Winter".  This paper is all about our Canadian winters and I just love it!  Who, living here in Canada, doesn't have happy memories of hockey, skiing, frosty mornings and hot chocolate?  There's all that and more in the  Canadian Winter collection! Let's talk about hockey... Canada's game... at 3 years old my grandson couldn't wait to get playing.  He'd been dragging around a plastic stick from the time he could walk so he was more than ready!  He's following in the footsteps of his Great-Grandfather, his Grandpa, and his dad. The...

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