Fur Babies RSS

12x12, Design Team, Fur Babies, Katelyn Clary, Layout, Scrapbooking -

Hey there everyone it's Katelyn here and I am back on the Wild Whisper blog with a new layout featuring the Fur Babies Collection. I created a traditional 12x12 layout featuring a photo of two of my fur babies!     I decided to feature the maroon, black and white color scheme of the Fur Babies collection. I pulled out some of the cards from the card pack as large elements for the page. I thought pulling these bolder patterns out would help them pop from the background.      I of course had to pair a doily underneath the cards...

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Design Team, Fur Babies, Katelyn Grosart, Sequins, Tag -

Hey Wild Whisper Fans! Katelyn here and I’m back sharing with you my last project for the month which uses the Fur Babies Collections. For my project today, I've used a variety of the papers from the collection as well as some sequins to create my Live, Love Meow Tag. Make sure to grab a glass of your favourite beverage as I will walk you through how to recreate my Live, Love, Meow Tag at home. To start, take out the Etcetera Small Tag and reinforcement circle from the package. Trace the tag around the grey word paper. Ink the edges of...

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Adventure, Classic Woodgrains, Design Team, Emily Ferrario, Fur Babies, More Adventures, Pocket Scrapbooking, Scrapbooking -

Hey everyone! Today I’m sharing a layout I made for my 2018 Project Life album! This layout is from a weekend in March when my friend and her daughter visited. I actually used all 12 x 12 papers that I cut down to make my cards for this spread.  The colorful striped paper from Fur Babies was my jumping off point. I love how bright and fun it is! I used it to create a 4 x 6 title card for my layout. I then pulled papers that had similar colors as the striped card. I used one of the...

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Design Team, Fur Babies, fur babies 12x12, Khristina Sorge, Scrapbooking, Video -

How do you include the fur babies in your life in your memory albums? Do you like have loads of scraps or some busy patterned papers that you want to use? What about all of those branding strips that we all save? Today, I wanted to show you a fun and easy way to use those patterned papers or branding strips to create a fun look.    I knew that I wanted to use these three gorgeous patterned papers from the new Fur Babies Mini-Collection. For this layout, they just worked so perfectly together! I cut them into strips and...

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Adventure, Design Team, Fur Babies, Julia Chupik, More Adventures, Rooted Love, Scrapbooking, Stamping, Xyron -

Hello! It's Julia here and I am happy to be back on the Wild Whisper blog with another Fur Babies project. This week I have created a 12x12 layout based on the April Sketch at Creative Scrapbooker Magazine. Sven is my daughter's hedgehog and all though he is mostly spiky he has a furry belly.  I started​ with a sheet of 12x12 white cardstock and took the striped pattern paper from the Fur Babies Pack. I trimmed a triangle shape for the upper left corner of my background. I took this triangle piece and cut it into strips of random...

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