Fur Babies RSS

Design Team, Embossing Powder, Fur Babies, Julia Chupik, Mixed Media, Rooted Love, Scrapbooking, Wood Veneer, Xyron -

Julia Chupik is here with us today to share a beautiful mixed media layout tutorial with us. We especially love how she created her own dimensional letter stickers using the Xyron sticker maker. Julia will take it from here! Hello! I have been looking forward to the release of the Fur Babies Mini Collection for a long time. Over the next 4 weeks I will be sharing projects featuring fur babies and one not so furry fur-baby.  Today's project is a 12x12 layout featuring a photo of Marley, the fur-baby of my very good friend, Heather. I am also using...

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Cork, Design Team, Felicia Young, Fur Babies, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Video -

Wow. Yesterday was a huge day of new announcements! If you missed out on anything, I suggest checking out our new products page, our Facebook Community, and our Instagram feed. In summary, we have a new monthly challenge in the Facebook Community, new shipping promotions, a sale on Christmas collections, the new Fur Babies collection release plus a ton of other new products, and individual DT sale codes! Fewph. Now on to today's project from Felicia Young! We adore how this simple page turned out and that fluffy little face is irresistible! Check out Felicia's process below. A note from Felicia: "This is a...

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Card, Design Team, Embossing Powder, Fur Babies, Katelyn Grosart, Stamping, Wood Veneer, Xyron -

Katelyn Grosart is here to kick off our blog for the month of April and to start us on our Xyron Feature Week! There is a lot going on at Wild Whisper headquarters today, so to see some of those details check out our new products page, our Facebook Community where Sara will be going live tonight, and our Instagram feed. Katelyn will take it from here to share all the details of her beautiful card tutorial. Hey Wild Whisper Fans! Katelyn here and I’m happy to be back today sharing with you a project using the brand new Fur...

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