Home for the Holidays RSS

Design Team, Home for the Holidays, No Place Like Home, Sara Scraps, Scrapbooking, Stamping, Sweater Weather -

Hey all! Today Sara Mishler is sharing a beautiful layout with an unexpected look! She has combined Sweater Weather and Home for the Holidays to create this very unique wedding page. It has a rustic country look that we never would have expected to see with this paper combination! So unique! Check out Sara`s process video below. A note from Sara: Hello Hello! I hope you are all having a wonderful January!... I know, I know, but I`m trying to be positive here! I have my last layout and video to share with you today using the lovely Sweater Weather and...

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Chipboard, Home for the Holidays, Rachel Stewart, Scrapbooking, Stamping -

Rachel Stewart from our 2017 DT is back with one more project! She is using the Home for the Holidays collection to document her December adventures. We love how this one turned out, especially with the cute twine detail! Rachel will take it from here! Hello again! A few weeks ago, I shared a layout I created for my "December Details" album (seen here), and today I'm sharing another. If you remember much about that layout, you'll notice the two are meant to coordinate. I began with my white cardstock and used the same paint I used on the previous...

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Adventure, Altered Art, Cathy Potosky, Design Team, Focus on You, Home for the Holidays, No Place Like Home, Out & About, Rooted Love, Strong & Free, Sweater Weather, World's Best -

Cathy Potosky is getting creative today by using bits and pieces from many of our 2017 collections! She created this custom 2018 calendar and we just love how it comes together! We will let her take it from here. It's hard to believe another year has already begun. Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2018 is an amazing chapter in your story! My first project for Wild Whisper this year is a quick and simple calendar for my craft room. I printed the calendar image from the internet and chose one that had space at the top of the page...

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Charm, Design Team, Home for the Holidays, Sara Scraps, Scrapbooking, Stamping, Sweater Weather, Video -

Welcome back to Sara Mishler, better known as Sara Scraps! She has a beautiful icy layout to share today using the Sweater Weather and Home for the Holidays collections. Check out her wonderful process below to see how this one came together. Sara says: Hello Hello! I have a fun, wintery layout to share with you today...and a confession to make. I did not buy any winter specific products this year and I'm determined to wing it with what I have on hand.... so I pulled all the blues and aquas from a few different collections, some stamps, and my...

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Design Team, Home for the Holidays, Katelyn Clary, Pocket Scrapbooking, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Stamping, Video -

Hey all! We have been saying this all month long, but time is just flying by! Christmas is just days away and we are having such a merry one here at Wild Whisper. Our products for the new year are rolling in and we can't wait to share them with you. We have also restocked a few items that have been very popular this year including paper and cards for Adventure, Strong & Free, Sweater Weather, and Home for the Holidays! All other collections will be retiring when stock is gone, so get it while you can! Don't despair if...

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