Media Assemblage RSS

12x12, Cork, DecoArt, Design Team, heritage, Media Assemblage, Mixed Media, Scrapbook Layout, Scrapbooking, scrapbooking layout, Tracy McLennon, vintage, Wild Whisper Designs -

Hello Wild Whisper friends! Tracy here, and today I have a vintage inspired layout to share featuring the new  Nicole Wright Media Assemblage 12x12 Paper Pack. Here are all of the details. I started this layout with a piece of chipboard that I cut to 11.25x11.25 and distressed it's edges. Using water misted DecoArt Media Burnt Umber paint I brushed streaks across parts of the chipboard. Then using DecoArt black acrylic paint and a paper towel roll, I stamped circles around the chipboard. Then finally splattered the same black paint around the middle of the layout. Let dry. I inked...

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12x12, Cricut layout, diecut, Karla Yungwirth, Masculine, Media Assemblage, Nicole Wright, Scrapbooking, Sequins -

Howdy friends! Karla back today from chilly Alberta!! It's been cold, cold, cold here all week - perfect to stay in and craft! Today, I'm so excited to share some of the NEW goodies from the Wild Whisper Shop - Masculine 12x12 Paper Pack and Sequins and a touch of the beautiful Nicole Wright Media Assemblage!! The colours and patterns in this Masculine Paper Pack are so awesome! I decided to do a layout about a birthday card my husband and his mom have been sending back and forth since 1983! I absolutely love this patterned paper background - it's...

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Media Assemblage, Scrapbook Layout, Strength of the Season, Tracy McLennon -

Hello Wild Whisper friends! My name is Tracy and this is my very FIRST post with Wild Whisper and I couldn't be more excited to go on this crafty journey. Here are the details on my first layout I created. I started my layout by taking a sheet of black cardstock and splattering white acrylic paint around the edges. I used the fabulous new Nicole Wright Media Assemblage 12x12 Paper Pack for my layout. I took the pattern I used for the background and cut 1/4" off each side. Save those strips for later.Using Black Soot Distress Oxide ink on...

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