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12x12, Embossing Powder, Karla Yungwirth, Pocket Page, Rugged Red, scrapbooking layout, Talk Foodie To Me -

Hello friends! Karla back today with the brand new Wild Whisper Designs collection for May - Talk Foodie To Me. This is such a fun, bright collection of papers, cards, stamps, ephemera, sequins and flair! I couldn't help pulling lots of pizza themed products for my layout and coordinating pocket page today to document my oldest daughter's birthday that we celebrated at Una Pizza in Calgary, Alberta a few weeks ago. And, yes, the pizza was awesome!! I really love the pop of pink on this paper! I layered it on a white cardstock background, cutting it into two vertical...

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Back to Basics, Design Team, Emily Ferrario, Palm Paradise, Pocket Page, Pocket Scrapbooking, Scrapbooking, Stamping -

Hi everyone! Today I have a pocket page using the new Back to Basics collection and Palm Paradise. I love using bright colors, so both of these collections are perfect for that! I love using scrapbook papers to create my own filler cards in pocket page spreads and I was able to do that a lot with these collections. The Back to Basics papers are so great to build on, and I was able to add fussy cut elements from Palm Paradise to complete the cards.  For my title card I knew I wanted to use the brush letter stamp...

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Katelyn Clary, Palm Paradise, Pocket Page -

You are in for a great treat today! I am sharing four pocket pages, utilizing three different color combos inspired by the Palm Paradise collection from Wild Whisper! This collection was perfect for capturing some of the memories I had to document in my Vermont travel album. Join me as I share the pages with you here and check out the process video for all of them linked down below!  The first page of this set features a more rainbow theme. I used the beautiful floral paper with the bright yellow background to make a pocket page card to go...

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Design Team, ephemera, Farmhouse, farmhouse collection, Jenn Gagne, journal card pack, Pocket Page, Pocket Scrapbooking, project life, Scrapbooking, Wood Veneer -

Hello!  I'm back with one final project using the Farmhouse collection.  I had a few pictures left from my son's farm fieldtrip so I decided to create a pocket page insert as a companion to the 12x12 layout I made.  I had six pictures left so I chose a Project Life design J for my insert. I started by placing my photos in their pockets and then I went through the left over cards from the card pack and chose some to fit in the empty pocket or behind the pictures.  I cut some cards from the 12x12 cut apart...

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Design Team, Emily Ferrario, One More Chapter, Pocket Page, Pocket Scrapbooking, Scrapbooking -

I’ve been listening to some audiobooks recently so I thought I would use the One More Chapter collection to document this. I opted for a pocket page and because I’ve been listening to books this month and last, I put both months on a card. I’ll put this in my album between my July and August pages.      On each row of my page I had a photo of the book, journaling of my feelings about it, and a filler card. For the two audiobooks I’ve been listening to, I took screenshots of my Audible app. The third book...

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