Pocket Page RSS

Design Team, Emily Ferrario, Flair, Lake Life, One More Chapter, Pocket Page, Pocket Scrapbooking, Scrapbooking -

Hi everyone. Today I have a pocket page layout featuring mostly the awesome Lake Life Collection. This spread documents Memorial Day weekend.  With this spread, I tried to focus on coordination. Coordinating the blue in the sky with the bits of blue paper, and coordinating the green from the trees with the green paper in the top corner. I also used several black and white elements.  The card in the center is a paper from the One More Chapter collection. I thought using the date paper would be a fun way to display the dates of the photos.  I tend...

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Design Team, Emily Ferrario, Forever & Always, Forever and Always, Pocket Page, Pocket Scrapbooking, Scrapbooking, Small Patterns -

Hi everyone! I have a pocket page layout to share. I do my Project Life album monthly so this is a few days in April. I used the floral card from the Forever & Always card pack as my inspiration. I used the gray, peach, and mint colors in the card for the colors of my layout.  For this layout, I mostly used patterned paper from Forever & Always and Small Patterns to make my cards. I tend to use 12x12 papers for pocket pages a lot, because I love the designs of scrapbook paper! The photos on the bottom...

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