Rachel Stewart RSS

Adventure, Cork, Rachel Stewart, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Stamping, Strong & Free, Wood Veneer -

  Hello all! We can't believe it is almost mid July already! We still have our Canada 150 promotion going on - if you spend $150 in our shop we will ship it to you for free (wherever you live!) and send a small gift too! Use the coupon code "CANADA150" at the checkout. This offer ends when July does! Today we have Rachel Stewart sharing this wonderful "GO" layout using the Strong & Free collection! As always, we really adore her simple and bright style. We love that she incorporated some stamps from the Adventure collection too. From here,...

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Adventure, Design Team, Rachel Stewart, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Stamping, Strong & Free, World's Best -

Happy Independence Day to all of our American friends! We hope that you had a safe and very festive long weekend. Today we have Rachel Stewart sharing a wonderful layout that shows how versatile the Strong & Free collection is! It would work wonderfully for a 4th of July layout too, but here she has used it to document a beautiful rose garden photo. From here we will let Rachel take it away! Great news! The new Strong & Free collection is beautiful and SO versatile, even if Canada is not your home country ;) It is my favorite collection to...

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Adventure, Design Team, Rachel Stewart, Stamping, Wood Veneer -

Rachel Stewart is sharing a Project Life page that features our latest release: stamps! Many crafters find it challenging to incorporate stamping onto their layouts and pocket pages, but Rachel demonstrates this skill flawlessly. We challenge you to be as brave as she is and try to stamp directly on a photo! The crisp and clean look is just stunning! from here we will let Rachel take it away to explain how she achieves her classic look.   I challenged myself on this pocket spread to only use stamps! And it sure was tough, even for this mostly minimalist crafter...

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Chipboard, Design Team, Embossing Powder, Rachel Stewart, Rooted Love, Scrapbooking, Stamping -

Rachel Stewart is back with another project using the Rooted Love collection! We love her centered design using splattering techniques and some Weathered Wood embossing powder from the shop. The bare chipboard stars are also a great addition and Rachel even decided to leave some of the "innards" in the middle star which creates a unique look. From here we will let her take it away! I knew I wanted to create a supplemental page to go alongside my last pocket spread because I could never give up full layouts! I started by trimming down white cardstock to 9x12 - the...

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Design Team, Embossing Powder, Pocket Scrapbooking, Rachel Stewart, Rooted Love, Scrapbooking, Wood Veneer -

Hello all! Today we have Rachel Stewart sharing her clean and simple pocket page using the Rooted Love collection. We love how she pulled the blues and tans from the card pack to create a unique layout. We will let Rachel take it from here- I decided my memory keeping for this year would be more centered around pocket scrapbooking - and I've really loved using the 9 x 12 size. I love the clean lines and versatility of pocket scrapbooking, and also the ability to include lots of pictures. I'm so excited to play around with one of the...

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