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12x12, Design Team, ephemera, Jenn Gagne, journal card pack, Layout, mist, Mixed Media, process video, Scrapbook Layout, Scrapbooking, scrapbooking layout, Strength of the Season, Tags, Video, Wild Whisper Designs -

Hello Jenn here with a layout using the new Strength of the Season.  This is such a beautiful and versatile collection, with so many possibilities.  I can see this collection being turned into celebration of life album, a graduation album for a highschool student, birthday cards, a mini album documenting a life transition, or even just used for seasonal layouts. I have so many ideas!!! My daughter is headed into highschool next year and these next few months will be filled with a lot of anxiety, anticipation, worry, and excitement for her.  She is also approaching dance competition season, something...

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12x12, Design Team, die cuts, Flair, Halloween Night, Jenn Gagne, Layout, mist, process video, scrapbooking layout, Sequins, Wild Whisper Designs -

Hello, Jenn here!  Happy October :)  Fall is my favourite time of year, and I especially love Halloween so I was incredibly excited to start using Wild Whisper's new Halloween Night collection.  I do a quick unboxing of all of the new collections in today's process video so be sure to check that out for all of the gorgeous new products. I chose the haunted house 12x12 paper from Halloween Night for my first layout.  I just love this paper and decided to make a very simple layout with it so that I didn't cover up too much of the...

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12x12, Design Team, Distress Oxide Ink, Embossing Powder, Fandom, Flair, Karla Yungwirth, mist, Mixed Media, Princess, Scrapbooking, Stamping -

Hello friends! It's Karla back today and since it's March 1st, I'm so excited to get to show you a brand new collection here at Wild Whisper!! This month we are releasing the Fandom Collection, which includes 12x12 paper packs, cards, flair, a stamp set and sequins that all coordinate beautifully together and have so many awesome images. I combined several of the papers to create this Princess Layout. I decided to use the beautiful castle paper to document a birthday tea party that my daughter was invited to a couple years ago in Banff, Alberta. I edged the paper...

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